January Scotch Tasting

Hy-Vee Wine & Spirits and Ben's Brewing Company are teaming up for our very first Scotch Tasting.
We will taste Glenmoray Single Malt 12 yr, Johnny Walker Black 12 yr, Oban Single Malt 14 yr, Dimple Pinch 15 yr and Johnny Walker Gold 18yr.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
3:30 pm at Ben's Brewing Company
222 West 3rd St. Yankton, SD

Tickets are available at Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits & Ben's Brewing Company
Prices are: $25 per person for wine club members( to recieve this price tickets must be purchased in advanced).
$30 for non wine club members & the day of the tasting.

Friday, August 7, 2009

White Wines


Can be a light, apple-y, flinty wine or a full-bodied white marked by caramel, butterscotch, vanilla, and nuts. Often, more subtle flavors prevail from Old World producers while more prominent flavors appear in New World wines. Fairly neutral in varietal flavor and is marked by simple green apple and mineral notes. Barrel- fermentation can with time what originally starts out as a fairly neutral, lean, crisp, flinty white wine will develop into something quite intense, nutty, and minerally with honey-butter flavors. In this approach, the wine is allowed time in the bottle to develop. Usually dry but can taste semi-sweet or sour, heady or light, depending on where it’s grown & how it’s fermented. Typical flavors are apple, tangerine, lemon, lime, melon and oak. Cool-climate Chardonnays have subtle overtones, while Warm-climate Chardonnays are more flavorful & full tasting.

Should be served around 48F

Pairs well with: Poultry, Seafood (Lobster & Scallops), Light red meat dishes

Good cheeses are Gruyere, Provolone, Brie & any Aged cheese

Sauvignon Blanc

An Aromatic white with high acidity. It is known for its sharply etched flavor profile and crisp nature. Usually light to medium bodied, but will pick up weight if put into a barrel. The wood tends to subsume the fruit and aromatic high notes and craft a wine that is broader & more mouth filling. Sauvignon Blanc, labeled as Fume Blanc, has noticeable barrel influence. Has a pronounced flavor of an herbal variety, with grassy, apple, olive & a soft smoke. Can be anything from sweet to dry, but are typically very light, tends to be crisp and acidic this helps the wine cut through heavy food flavors.

Should be served around 52F

Pairs well with: Pasta, Poultry, Seafood, Thick sauces & Stews

Good Cheese is Goat cheese

Use in recipes calling for a dry white wine


A high acid wine & can be incredibly long lived. Can produce a sleek & tangy wine, or a soft & fruity table wine, or a viscous, honeyed dessert wine. The charm of Riesling is its kaleidoscope of flavors, aromas & the taste bud’s tantalizing play of acidity, sugar & fruit across the palate. As a table wine although full-flavored are seldom power-packed. Desserts are high-impact. Usually a sweet wine it can be dry. Rhine wine is a Riesling from France. Californian Rieslings tend to be dry & have a melon taste. Germanic Rieslings more tart & ‘grapefruity’. Other typical flavors are fruity, floral, honey & musky.

Should be served around 47F

Pairs well with: Desert (one of the few that goes with chocolate), Seafood, Oriental, & Spicy foods

Good cheeses are blue-veined cheese

Use in cooking bold or spicy flavors

Pinot Grigio

Can be high-acid, low-extract, mineral-driven, light white or a fleshier, rounder, high-extract white with lower acid & more pronounced aroma. A refreshing white wine, not know for overt complexity. Italian pinot grigios are typically dry & light with a mineral taste. Californian pinot grigios tend to be richer in flavor, but still have the mineral taste, finish with a lemony or citrusy flavor. French pinot grigios are more fruity & flowery than Italian, with the mineral aroma. Flavors can range from peach to grapefruit to melon. A wine able to hold its own against richer flavors.

Should be served around 48F

Pairs well with: Pasta, Poultry, Pork & Seafood


A high alcohol, high extract, aromatic white that tends to be quite low in acid. Will have floral/spice notes that are just a powerful on the palate as they are in the nose. Tends to be a sweet white wine, the aroma is a flowery, spicy one with particular odors of roses & lychees

Should be served around 50F

Pairs well with: Spicy foods & Pork

Use for cooking bold or spicy flavors

Chenin Blanc

Can be a simple & straightforward with delicate fruit or a complex mélange of flavors & aroma that aren’t associated with fruit, flowers, herbs or spices. A crisp, well balanced wine that ages well. Tends to taste of apples, pears & tropical fruits. A dry to semi-dry wine

Should be served around 48F

Pairs well with: light fare, fresh salads, roast pork loin, wild turkey, thai, & moderately spicy Asian food


Can be a lean, high acid, high-perfume & bone dry or a sweet, full-bodied, viscous & honeyed with a pronounced dried fruit flavor

Should be served around 48F

Pairs well with: Fresh fruit, Pistachios or Light pastries that are not too sweet

White Zinfandel

Pale pink in color, with aromas of raspberry and blackberry, a light & sweet wine

Should be served around 40F

Pairs well with: Pasta, Poultry, Pork & Seafood

White Merlot

Pink in color with aromas of blueberry and vanilla, a light & sweet wine

Should be served around 40F

Pairs well with: Chicken, Seafood, Ham, & Spicy cuisines such as Vietnamese and Chinese

©2009 Hy-Vee Wine Club | by TNB